Change of exam session
No change of exam session is permitted unless on medical grounds. A request for a change of exam session has to be supported by medical proof dated on the exam date and parents/candidates must complete the Change of Exam Session form and return it to us in person or by mail within three working days of the exam with an administration fee. The new exam session must take place within two months of the original exam date.
If the exam is not available within two months after the original exam date, candidate may consider requesting a 50% refund of the exam fee, provided that the candidate puts the request in writing and submits a medical certificate within three working days after the exam. Please refer to the refund section for details.
Refunds will only be considered if you are not able to attend the exam on the following grounds:
• medical – hospital admission or serious injury
• loss or bereavement – death of parents, guardian, brother/sister or child
• hardship/trauma – victim of crime, victim of traffic accident
• conflict with other exams.
Refunds will not be issued for incorrect choice of exam.
Applications for refunds (except conflict with exams) must be made within three working days of your exam date. For conflict with exams, applications must be made within three working days on receipt of the confirmation from schools. Applications made after the specific time will not be considered.
All applications attract an administration fee of 50% of the exam fee paid.
Applying for a Refund
The following documentation needs to be submitted to enable us to process your refund:
• Exam Refund Form
• documentation supporting your grounds for refund (original copy of medical certificate, death certificate or police report, notice for exams)
Issuing Refunds
Refund applications take eight to twelve weeks to process.