This section gives you some tips and advice on what to do during the written and speaking test day.
What to do during the written tests
- Read the confirmation email carefully.
- Take with you a pencil, pen (for B2 FCE, C1 CAE, C2 CPE only), coloured pencils (for YLE only), eraser, your photo identity document (C1 CAE candidates must bring the same identity document on the test day as the one recorded in your application) and your printed confirmation email.
- Be at the exam venue at the reporting time stated on the confirmation email.
- Look at the exam signs and locate the registration counter. The registration invigilator will inform you when it is time to enter.
- Keep your timetable handy. Know your candidate number. You will be placed in a specific exam room and desk based on your candidate number.
- Make sure you do not bring valuable items to the exam venue. Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not allowed inside exam venues.
- Switch off any alarms/audio reminders, including alarms on your watches.
- Ensure that you do not have a mobile phone or any electronic devices with you.
- Place all other unauthorised items (books, bags, etc) in the area that your invigilator will specify.
- You may keep a bottle of water (must be in a transparent container), but place it on the floor next to your desk, so as to avoid any accidents.
- After you are seated, the invigilator will ask to see your photo identity document, in order to confirm that you are indeed the correct candidate.
- The invigilator will distribute the question papers (and in some cases a separate answer sheet and/or rough paper).
- If the name printed on your answer sheet is not correct, please inform the invigilator immediately.
- The invigilator will give specific instructions for each paper. Please pay attention and ask the invigilator if you have any questions about the procedure.
- Read the instructions on the front of the question paper (and the separate answer sheet if relevant).
- Do not open the question papers until the invigilator tells you to do so.
- The invigilator will inform you about the duration of each paper. Make sure that you complete all tasks in the allocated time as you will not be allowed any extra time to transfer your answers (except Listening test).
- The invigilator will inform you if you need to use a pencil or a pen in order to complete your answers on each paper.
- Writing: please write within the grey lines in the spaces provided on the question paper. Use the blank pages to complete your rough work.
- Listening: The test is divided into sections, and the recording on the CD is complete in itself, with all necessary pauses and instructions to candidates. Each part will be played twice. You will be given time to transfer your answers and the CD will inform you when the test is finished.
- You must not talk, copy, keep or use unauthorised items (such as mobile phones) because you risk being disqualified.
- If you wish to go to the toilet, please raise your hand. No extra time will be given for a toilet break.
- The invigilator will remind you when you reach the last 10 and/or 5 minutes before the end of the written papers.
- At the end of the exam you will be asked to put down your pens or pencils.
- The invigilator will collect all question papers, answer sheets and rough work before you are permitted to leave the exam room. You must remain seated while this happens.
- Before leaving the room, make sure that you take with you all your personal belongings.
- If something happens during the exam that may have affected your performance (e.g. if you were ill during the exam or if a loud noise affected your Listening test) you must inform the centre supervisor/invigilator immediately before leaving the exam venue.
- Candidates who wish to report/complain about exam centre environment, including problems with acoustic equipment, must be made with the invigilator on the day. Subsequent complaints of performance being affected by undesirable centre conditions or reception problem after the exam will not be entertained.
- When lodging a complaint/exam irregularities, candidates must do so in writing within 3 working days from the exam date, and must provide candidate name, candidate number, date of exam, subject/paper sat for and other specific information relating to the cause of complaint.
What to do during the speaking test
- Take your photo identity document and your confirmation email with you. If you intend to use the exam results for visa application, please bring your passport. ** C1 CAE candidates must bring the same identity document on the test day as the one recorded in your application.
- Be at the exam venue at the reporting time stated on the confirmation email.
- Look at the exam signs and locate the registration counter.
- The invigilator will check your photo identity documents against the attendance register. Once this is checked, you must remain in the designated speaking test area until your test begins.
- While you are waiting to be examined, please keep quiet so as to avoid disrupting the test of other candidates.
- Switch off your mobile phone and other electronic devices. Place your belongings in the area designated by your invigilator.
- You will be given a personalised mark sheet; do not fold, crease or write on it. You must hand it to the examiner when you enter the room.
- If there is an error in the spelling of your name on the mark sheet, please inform the invigilator and s/he will make a note of the correction.
- For A2 KET / B1 PET / B2 FCE / C1 CAE / C2 CPE, the speaking tests are in pair format. The invigilator will specify which other candidate will be paired with you. Where there is an uneven number, the last candidate taking the test will form a group of three. The test cannot be conducted with a single candidate.
Exam day photos
Exam day photos are mandatory for B2 FCE, C1 CAE and C2 CPE exams. Photos may be taken on the day of the written test or speaking test.
Consent from candidates or parent/guardian will be sought on the registration form prior to the exam.